Computational Systems Biology Group

Department of Bioengineering, Gebze Technical University, TURKEY

Emel Kökrek

Ph.D Student

Gebze Technical University Emel Kokrek
Department of Bioengineering
Computational Systems Biology Group
Mailto: ekokrek [at]
Room: Bioengineering Building, 205
Phone: 3255


I graduated as a Chemical Engineer at Boğaziçi University in 2013. I received my MSc degree on BioHealth Computing (from Consortium of 4 European Universities) during which I studied kinetic models of iron homeostasis in erythropoietic cells. I worked as a bioinformatician and biostatistician in various academic and professional settings. Currently I am a PhD candidate in Bioinformatics and Systems Biology Programme at Gebze Technical University and a research assistant at Kadir Has University, Bioinformatics and Genetics Department.

Ph.D. Project

The project is on the investigation of dynamics and multiplicity of enhancer-promoter interactions while deciphering the communication route composed of transcription factors and co-factors. I am interested in unraveling the transcriptional regulatory mechanism through network analysis of protein complexes, and integration of genome accessibility and architecture data to the (qualitative and quantitative) complex prediction pipelines.
