Computational Systems Biology Group

Department of Bioengineering, Gebze Technical University, TURKEY

Cemal Yıldız

Ph.D Student

Gebze Technical University Cemal YILDIZ
Department of Bioengineering
Computational Systems Biology Group
Mailto: cyildiz [at]
Room: Bioengineering Building, 210
Phone: +90 262 605 32 58


I have received my B.Sc degree from Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics at Inonu University, Turkey. I continued my graduate education in the Bioinformatics and Systems Biology program in Bioengineering department at Gebze Technical University, and performed my M.Sc thesis about identification cell types and ligand-receptor interactions in cancer, especially in non-small cell lung cancer.

I am currently a Ph.D student at Department of Bioengineering at Gebze Technical University.

Ph.D. Project

I am involved in a TUBITAK 1003 project, which aims to investigate non-small cell lung cancer using multi-omic approaches. The project is in collaboration with Prof. Devrim Gözüaçık at KUTTAM in Koç University. I am also involved in TÜSEB project which aims to identify rare cell types in tumor tissues.
